Elisa Pugliese Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Elisa Pugliese

Elisa Pugliese has many talents. She has become a successful film producer, director, and actress in entertainment. Born in 1972 in the Bronx, New York, she is currently 52 years old and goes by the professional name Elle Key. Pugliese has a bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University. She also has a degree in English Literature from Barnard College.

Her career in entertainment began as an assistant at ICM Partners. She worked her way up to become a literary agent. During her time at ICM, she gained recognition. She was known for finding and signing talented writers. Pugliese is married to the renowned actor, comedian, and producer, Keegan-Michael Key. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches, she weighs 67kg and has a net worth of $2 million. As we’ve looked to 2024, Elisa Pugliese’s success inspires many in the industry.

Who is Elisa Pugliese?

Elisa Pugliese is a super cool lady who makes movies, directs them, and can even act! She was born a long time ago in a place called Bronx, which is in New York. She went to big schools to learn a lot, like Syracuse University and Barnard College.

People sometimes call her Elle Key, which is like a secret agent name! She is wed to comedian Keegan-Michael Key, a humorist. Imagine getting to make movies and being around laughter all the time! That’s Elisa’s world, filled with creativity, fun, and lots of storytelling.


Elisa Pugliese
Date of Birth
52 years old as of 2024
New York

Real Name

Elisa Pugliese has  making movies or writing stories, she uses the name Elle Key. It’s like when you play pretend and pick a new name for yourself.

Elisa Pugliese

Elle Key sounds like a superhero name, doesn’t it? You might pick a cool name when playing games with friends. Elisa did the same when entering the world of movies and books. She chose Elle Key. It’s fun to have two names. One for everyday and another for creative moments!

The Early Life and Education of Elisa Pugliese

Elisa Pugliese grew up in a busy place called the Bronx in New York. As a little girl, she loved to read books and watch movies, dreaming of making her own stories one day. Elisa was really good at school, always curious and asking questions.

She decided to learn more about books and stories, so she went to a big school named Syracuse University. There, she learned lots of things about making movies and writing stories. After that, she went to another school called Barnard College. There, she learned even more about her favorite thing: English Literature. Elisa was always excited to learn and dream big!

Parents and siblings.

Elisa Pugliese has a family, like you do! She has parents who loved and supported her dreams from when she was very small. They watched movies with her and read stories. This made her fall in love with the world of tales and adventures.

Elisa might have brothers or sisters. They played and laughed with her, making her childhood fun. Imagine having a family that cheers you on, helping you become whatever you dream of. That’s what Elisa’s family did for her, giving her the courage to chase her dreams in the big world of movies and books.

Husband and Boyfriend

Elisa Pugliese has a love story like in fairy tales. She married Keegan-Michael Key, a man who makes everyone laugh. They are like a king and queen of comedy, sharing jokes and happy moments together.

Elisa Pugliese

Their wedding was a day filled with love, laughter, and lots of dancing. Imagine a party where everyone is smiling, and that’s how their special day was. Elisa and Keegan are best friends who support each other in everything they do. Together, they create stories that bring joy to people’s hearts. They show us that love and laughter make a perfect pair.


Elisa Pugliese and Keegan-Michael Key have a big, warm family. But, they like to keep some things just between them, like a secret garden. This means they haven’t shared if they have any children playing around their house.

As in some families, there might be kids laughing and running. Or, it might just be the two of them. They share jokes and make memories together. Every family is different, like snowflakes, and that’s what makes each one special. Whether it’s just Elisa and Keegan or a house full of giggles, they have lots of love to go around.

Elisa Pugliese physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Elisa Pugliese is tall, 5 feet 6 inches, and her weight is 67 kilograms.

Imagine if you were as tall as Elisa, reaching up high to the sky! She’s got a smile that lights up a room and a way of walking that says she’s ready for any exciting tale that comes her way. picture her stepping into a storybook, ready to explore!

Elisa Pugliese Before Fame

Before Elisa Pugliese became a big name in making movies, she was a girl with big dreams in the Bronx. Imagine a little girl, like you, with eyes full of wonder. She watches movies and thinks, “I want to create stories like that one day.”

She loved books and stories so much that she spent a lot of her time dreaming up her own adventures. Elisa wasn’t famous yet, but she had a big imagination and a heart full of dreams. Just like you, she knew that someday she would make those dreams come true.

Elisa Pugliese Career

Elisa Pugliese’s work life is like a magical adventure in Hollywood! She started out helping famous writers. She helped them share their stories with the world at a place called ICM Partners. Then, she became a movie maker, a boss of directing, and an actress too!

She gets to tell stories by making them into movies and shows. Elisa turns ideas into fun adventures that we can watch on TV or in the cinema. She’s like a magician who uses a camera instead of a wand, making stories come to life so we can see and enjoy them. How cool is that?

Elisa Pugliese Net Worth and Financial Success

Elisa Pugliese, also known as Elle Key, has a treasure chest like in pirate stories. But, instead of gold coins, it’s filled with money she made from her movie magic! She has estimated net worth is $2 million. Imagine having so many dollars you could buy a mountain of ice cream or a huge castle!

Elisa worked super hard, like a knight going on quests, making movies, and telling stories. Her treasure chest overflows because she pursues her passion with mastery. like in fairy tales, hard work and loving what you do can lead to your very own treasure.

Elisa Pugliese Famous Reason

Elisa Pugliese became famous. She is great at making movies and telling stories. She takes little ideas and grows them into big, beautiful tales that you can watch on your TV or in the cinema.

People know her. She works with a camera and her imagination to create these fun adventures. Plus, being married to Keegan-Michael Key, who is a very funny guy, makes her even more known. Together, they make the world laugh and fill it with joy. That’s why Elisa Pugliese, or Elle Key, is famous and loved by many!

Elisa Pugliese Nationality and religion.

Elisa Pugliese is like many people who live in America; she’s an American! That means she was born in a place called the United States, in a busy, fun part of New York called the Bronx. Some of your friends come from different places. Elisa comes from a place with big buildings and lots of stories.

When it comes to what she believes, she has private thoughts. For example, if she has a favorite holiday or a special way she likes to think. People believe in many different things, and that’s okay!

Elisa Pugliese Legacy and Impact

Elisa Pugliese, also known as Elle Key, is like a superhero in the movie world. She creates stories. They make us feel like we’re going on amazing adventures or meeting new friends. Because she makes these cool movies, lots of people, including kids, get to see them and dream big.

She teaches us that if you have a big heart and work hard, you can share your stories with the world. Elisa also shows us that it’s great to laugh and have fun. Her movies and the laughter she spreads are like a trail of sparkles. They make the world brighter. She leaves them behind.

Elisa Pugliese Future Plains

Elisa Pugliese has big dreams for the future, like the heroes in adventure stories. She wants to make more movies that fill our hearts with joy and our minds with wonder. Imagine creating stories that can fly us to the moon or deep under the sea without leaving our seats!

Elisa plans to keep working hard, using her magic camera to bring new tales to life. She also dreams of helping more writers share their stories with the world. This will make the world happier with every story told. Who knows, one day she’ll make a movie about a magical garden or a journey to find hidden treasure!


  • Elisa loves watching movies. She enjoys seeing all kinds of films, from cartoons to superhero stories.

  • She also likes reading books. Her favorite ones are big adventure tales and funny stories.

  • Playing with her dog is a big part of her day. They run in the park and play fetch.

  • Elisa enjoys painting and drawing. She creates colorful pictures of places she visits and dreams about.

  • Cooking is another fun activity for her. She tries new recipes and makes tasty meals for her friends and family.

  • Hiking on sunny days is something she looks forward to. She loves being outdoors and exploring nature.

Interesting Facts About

  • Elisa was born in the Bronx, a big place in New York.

  • She went to a school called Syracuse University.

  • Elisa loves to make movies and act.

  • She is married to a funny guy named Keegan-Michael Key.

  • Her favorite job before was finding new writers.

  • Elisa is pretty tall – as tall as 5 apples stacked up!

  • She has a special name she likes to use, Elle Key.

  • Elisa and Keegan like to make people laugh together.

  • She once worked at a place called ICM Partners to help writers.

  • Elisa thinks books and stories are really important.


What is Elisa Pugliese’s real name?

Her real name is Elle Key.

How old is Elisa Pugliese?

She is 52 years old as of 2024.

Who is Elisa Pugliese married to?

She is married to Keegan-Michael Key, a very funny guy.

What does Elisa Pugliese like to do?

Elisa loves making movies. She also likes reading big adventure stories. She also likes going for hikes in nature.

How tall is Elisa Pugliese?

She is as tall as 5 apples stacked on top of each other!

Did Elisa Pugliese go to college?

Yes, she went to a school called Syracuse University.


In the end, Elisa Pugliese, also known as Elle Key, is very talented. She loves making movies, acting, and helping writers share their stories. She went to college to learn even more about stories and now she’s really good at what she does. Elisa is married to Keegan-Michael Key, and they both enjoy making people laugh.

Besides working, Elisa loves fun stuff. She likes drawing, hiking, and cooking yummy food. She shows us that if you work hard and follow your dreams, you can do amazing things. Elisa’s story is like a big adventure book that keeps getting more exciting!


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