Alencia Johnson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Alencia Johnson

Alencia Johnson born on September 4, 1987 is age ( as of 2024)37 years old. Johnson is the Founder and Chief Impact Officer of 1063 West Broad, a social impact agency. She has dedicated her career to using her activism and politics. Alencia Johnson also used her corporate and entertainment expertise to achieve justice. She is net worth (approx.) $2.5 million.

She is Weight 62 kg and Height 5 fit 6 inches. Her passion is for creating impact. It has led her to connect brands, organizations, and people to mission-driven solutions. With her unique blend of experience and drive, Johnson is a force to be reckoned with in the world of social impact.


Alencia Johnson
Date of Birth
September 4, 1987
Age(as of 2024)
 37 Years Old
Entrepreneur, Activist
Marital Status
Net worth(approx)
$2.5 Million

Who is Alencia Johnson?

Alencia Johnson is like a superhero who makes the world a better place. She’s good at bringing people together to do great things. Imagine having a friend who was good at planning fun projects that helped others. That’s what Alencia does, but on a much bigger scale. She started a group called 1063 West Broad. She and her team think of creative ways to solve problems and improve lives.

They work with different companies and groups. They make sure everyone is working to be kind and fair to each other. Alencia has been doing this for a long time. She uses what she knows about games, movies, and helping people to make a big difference.

Alencia Johnson Early Life and Education

Alencia Johnson grew up wanting to make a big difference in the world. When she was a little kid, like you, she loved stories. She also loved learning about people from all over. She was super curious, always asking,  That curiosity helped her do well in school. Alencia Johnson loved reading books and constantly raised her hand to ask questions in class.

Alencia worked hard and got good grades. She did this because she knew learning was her superpower to help others. She went to a big college. There, she learned more about how to be a leader and make her dreams of helping people come true. She studied interesting things that taught her how to unite people and make the world a better place.

Alencia Johnson Parents and Siblings

Alencia Johnson has a family who loves her a lot. She grew up with parents who taught her how to care for others and make a difference. Her mom and dad always encouraged her to learn new things and to be kind to everyone she met. Alencia also has brothers and sisters. They were her first friends and team members. They came up with fun ways to help people.

Alencia learned these lessons with her family. They were about sharing, helping, and standing up for what is right. They were like a superhero team. Each member taught Alencia something special. They taught her about bringing happiness and fairness to the world.

Alencia Johnson Husband and Boyfriend

Alencia Johnson keeps her heart matters like a secret treasure map. Like some superheroes, Alencia has a secret identity. She chooses to keep her love life private. She believes some stories are like private journals, for the person writing them.

We might not see her share stories about a husband or boyfriend. Characters in our favorite movies do that. Instead, she focuses on spreading kindness. She helps everyone work together for a better world. It’s like how some things in a team of superheroes are kept secret to protect what they cherish the most.

Alencia Johnson Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

5.6 Feet
62 kg
Eye Color
Hair Color

She was born on September 4, 1987. As of 2024, she is 37 years old. Alencia Johnson is a kind person who looks as kind as she acts. Many people are curious about her height and her yearly cake. But, these details are puzzle pieces in a bigger picture. What’s Alencia shines when she helps others and brightens the world. She is Weight 62 kg and Height 5 fit 6 inches.

You might not find her height in inches or the scale reading. But, if you could measure kindness, Alencia would be as tall as a superhero in her favorite comic book. Her smile and the sparkle in her eyes tell you more about her than any number could. Just imagine someone who could light up a room by walking in—that’s Alencia for you.

Alencia Johnson Before Fame

 Alencia Johnson became a hero for kindness, she was a curious little girl with big dreams. Picture a young Alencia. Her eyes were full of wonder. She was exploring her neighborhood and asking many questions about everything she saw. She loved to play games that involved helping others. Even when she was tiny, she would invent fun ideas to make her friends and family smile.

The school was an adventure for young Alencia. There, she discovered her superpowers: listening and sharing stories. These early years were like a training ground. They prepared Alencia for her future mission: bringing people together and spreading joy. Every day, she was learning and growing, getting ready to make a big difference in the world.

Alencia Johnson Career

Alicia Johnson’s job is fantastic and essential. She’s like the leader of a superhero team. But, instead of fighting bad guys, she helps people and companies do good things. Imagine you have a big box of crayons and want to make the most beautiful picture. Alencia helps people pick the best colors so that they can make the world a happier and more colorful place.

She started her company, 1063 West Broad, which is like her superhero headquarters. There, she plans how to ensure everyone is kind and fair to each other. She’s worked with big groups. She teaches them to share their toys and play nicely. She makes sure everyone feels included and happy. That’s what Alencia does daily, making her a real-life hero.

Net Worth and Achievements

Alencia Johnson is like a treasure hunter. But, she looks for ways to improve the world instead of gold. Just like in a treasure hunt, her journey has led her to some fantastic finds, or in her case, achievements. She is net worth (approx.) $2.5 million.

She has been recognized and celebrated by many people for her hard work. We don’t know how many gold stars she has or what her treasure chest (net worth) looks like. But, it’s full of the joy and smiles of those she’s helped. That’s the most valuable treasure of all!

Future Plains

Alencia Johnson has big dreams for the future. They’re like when you imagine becoming an astronaut or a superhero. She wants to make the world an even better place where everyone is kind and helps each other. Think of it like planting a garden where every seed is a good deed, and she plans to plant many seeds.

Alencia wants to work with more companies and people. She wants to spread kindness and ensure everyone feels included and happy. It’s like she’s on a mission to fill the world with sunshine and rainbows. She wants to make sure there are smiles on everyone’s faces. So, in the future, Alencia will be super busy making her dream garden grow bigger and brighter.

Social Media Presence

Alencia Johnson loves to share her adventures in making the world a better place on social media. Think of social media as a magical book where you can see pictures and stories from people worldwide. Alencia uses this magical book to show everyone the good things she is doing. She shares stories of kindness. She posts pictures of people helping each other. And, she shares ideas on how to be superheroes.

It’s like she’s inviting us to join her superhero team online! Looking at her social media pages is like a treasure chest full of inspiring stories and happy faces. She hopes that by sharing these moments, more people will want to spread kindness like her.


Drawing and painting are like using crayons and markers to make colorful pictures. Alencia loves creating art. She believes that every splash of color can spread happiness.

Reading Adventure Stories Alencia enjoys diving into books full of adventures and heroes. These stories inspire her to dream big and help others.

Playing in Nature. She loves running through the park, climbing trees, and watching birds. Alencia loves spending time outside. She says it’s like it’s sharing her superhero powers.

Baking Yummy Treats Alencia enjoys baking cookies and cakes. She believes sharing homemade treats can bring smiles to everyone. It can also help Alencia relax and think up new ideas to improve the world!

Favorite Things

 Sunny Days Alencia loves it when the sun shines bright. It makes her feel happy and full of energy to help others.

Colorful Flowers She enjoys looking at flowers of all colors. They remind her that the world is a beautiful place.

Superhero Movies Watching heroes save the day inspires her to make a difference in real life.

Chocolate Ice Cream Alencia thinks a scoop of chocolate ice cream can improve daily.

Friendly Dogs She adores playing with friendly dogs in the park. They make her laugh and feel joyful.

Music and Dancing Alencia loves to listen to music and dance. It’s like it’s a party that makes her heart smile.

Starry Nights Looking up at the stars at night makes her dream significant about all the good things she can do.

Interesting Facts About

 Loves to Jump in Puddles Alencia doesn’t ride when it rains. She puts on her boots and jumps in puddles, making the biggest splashes. She thinks it’s a way to make a rainy day fun.

Favorite Color is Turquoise Like the ocean on a sunny day, Alencia loves turquoise. She says it reminds her of how big and beautiful the world is.

Alencia can speak three languages. She can talk to people in not one, but three different ones! She loves learning new words and making new friends from all over the world.

Super Good at Hula Hooping Alencia can hula hoop for a long time without it falling. She says it’s all: finding your rhythm and having fun.


What does Alencia do?

Alencia helps people and companies be kinder and make the world a better place. Sideshows them how to share their toys and play .

Has Alencia always wanted to help people?

Yes! Even as a little kid, Alencia loved creating fun ways to make people smile. She’s been on a mission to spread joy for a long time.

How can I be like Alencia?

Being like Alencia starts with being kind and helping others. You can start by sharing, being a good friend, and looking for ways to make people happy.

Does Alencia have any pets?

Our story doesn’t say she has pets, but she loves playing with friendly dogs in the park. They make her laugh a lot!


Alencia Johnson is a true superhero. She doesn’t or have superpowers. But, she uses her heart and mind to spread kindness and make the world brighter. Like the heroes in our favorite stories, she shows us that anyone can make a difference. Winning isn’t about being the strongest or the fastest. It’s about calling for and helping others.

. Remember, we can be a hero in our way, like Alencia. By sharing, being kind, and working together, we can all help. We can make our world happier and more loving for everyone. Let’s be Let ‘sheroes for kindness, like Alencia!


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