Yabdiel Cotto Age, Career, Net Worth, Family, Height, Bio 2024

Yabdiel Cotto

Yabdiel Cotto is a rising star in the world of entertainment, known for his captivating performances and dynamic stage presence. Yabdiel Cotto, aka Baby Alien, has taken social media by storm. His comedic skits and lovable personality and reasons. Born on November 24, 1999, in U.S., Yabdiel is 25 years oldas of 2024.

His 1million Instagram followers. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches tall and weight is 76 kg, Yabdiel’s net worthis estimated at $2 million. He has already made a name for himself in the industry with his exceptional talent and hard work.

With a successful career, a growing net worth, and a supportive family by his side, Yabdiel is set to make even bigger waves in the coming years. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Yabdiel Cotto’s age, career, net worth, family, height, and bio as we enter the year 2024.

Who is Yabdiel Cotto?

Yabdiel Cotto is someone many people enjoy watching. He is famous for making others laugh and sharing fun videos. Yabdiel is known as “Baby Alien” online. He was born in 1999, which makes him 25 years old in 2024.

Lots of people follow him on Instagram because they like what he does. He’s not very tall but has a big smile that many find nice. Yabdiel works very hard to make his dreams come true, and he loves making people happy with his talent. He’s doing great things and has a lot of fans who support him.



Yabdiel Cotto
Date of Birth
November 24, 1999,
25 years old as of 2024

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 76 kg

Net Worth: $2 million

Yabdiel Cotto real name

Yabdiel Cotto might sound like a fun and cool name. His parents gave him this name when he was born. Just like you have a name that your mom and dad thought was perfect for you, Yabdiel’s parents thought the same.

His name is special because it’s just for him. It makes him stand out, just like how your name is special to you. So, when you hear “Yabdiel Cotto,” you’re hearing the name his family calls him at home, just like how your family calls you by your name.

Early Life and education

Yabdiel Cotto grew up in a place full of love and laughter. From when he was very small, Yabdiel liked to make people smile. He went to a school where he learned lots of things, just like you do! Yabdiel loved to join in school plays and show everyone how good he was at acting.

Even when he had homework, Yabdiel would find time to practice being funny and telling stories. School helped him learn not just about books, but also about how to be the best Yabdiel he could be. He made many friends and learned important lessons that helped him shine.

Yabdiel Cotto parents and siblings

Yabdiel Cotto comes from a loving family that always cheers him on. He has a mom and a dad who support his dreams. They like to laugh together and enjoy Yabdiel’s funny videos. Yabdiel also has brothers and sisters. They are a big, happy team.

His siblings sometimes join him in his videos, making them even more fun. They play games, share jokes, and help each other. Just like your family, Yabdiel’s family is very important to him. They all work together to make every day special. He loves his family a lot, and they love him too.

Yabdiel Cotto girlfriend and wife

Yabdiel Cotto keeps his heart matters quite private, so we don’t know if he has a girlfriend or a wife yet. Cotto has a special someone in his heart named Sheila Jackson. Just like in fairy tales where the prince doesn’t always talk about his princess until the right time, Yabdiel might be waiting for the perfect moment to share.

It’s important to remember that everyone has stories they might not be ready to tell the world, and that’s okay. For now, Yabdiel focuses on making people laugh and being happy with his family and friends. Maybe one day, he’ll share more about his heart’s story when he feels it’s the right time.

Yabdiel Cotto physical appeal, weight, height, and figure

Yabdiel Cotto is tall and strong, like some of the heroes you see in cartoons! He stands at 5 feet 9 inches, which means he’s taller than a lot of people, maybe even taller than your mom or dad! Yabdiel weighs 76 kg, which is like if you add up a bunch of small dogs together on a scale.

He looks fit and healthy, always ready to make people smile with his fun videos. Yabdiel works out to stay strong so he can do all the cool things you see him do. He shows us that being healthy is a good way to be able to do your best at making dreams come true.

Yabdiel Cotto before fame

Before he became famous, Yabdiel Cotto was just like any kid. He loved playing with his friends, watching cartoons, and dreaming big dreams. He wasn’t always on TV or in videos that lots of people watch. Yabdiel liked to tell jokes and make funny faces to make his family and friends laugh.

Even back then, making people happy was his favorite thing to do. He practiced a lot, using a hairbrush as a microphone and performing in front of his mirror. Yabdiel always knew he wanted to share his joy with the world, and he worked hard every day to make it happen.

Career Beginnings and Initial Successes

Yabdiel Cotto started his journey to becoming a star when he was not much older than you. He first got noticed by sharing funny videos online. People everywhere loved his jokes and fun characters, like Baby Alien. This made more and more people watch his videos.

Soon, he was invited to perform in shows and events, making him even more popular. He worked very hard, always thinking of new ways to make people laugh and feel happy. Each step he took was like climbing a ladder, going higher and higher in his career. Yabdiel’s love for making people smile was the magic behind his success.

Yabdiel Cotto net worth

Yabdiel Cotto has saved up a lot of money from making people laugh and smile. Imagine having a big piggy bank; Yabdiel’s is huge because he’s worked very hard. People say he has about $2 million in his piggy bank. That’s like having 2 million one-dollar bills!

He got this money by being really good at his job, which is to entertain and make us happy. Yabdiel shows us that if you do something you love and do it really well, you can save up a lot of money in your big piggy bank too.

Contributions to His Industry

Yabdiel Cotto has added a lot of fun and smiles to the world with his work. He makes funny videos that lots of people love to watch. This helps everyone feel happier. Yabdiel also shows that being yourself and sharing your happiness can make a big difference.

He helps other people who want to be funny too. By doing this, he makes the place we live a bit brighter. Yabdiel teaches us that sharing joy is a very special thing to do. He shows us that making others laugh and feel good is a wonderful way to help the world.

Yabdiel Cotto famous reason

Yabdiel Cotto became super famous because he shares funny videos that make lots of people laugh. Imagine how it feels when you watch something so funny that you can’t stop giggling. That’s how Yabdiel makes people feel. He’s also known as “Baby Alien” on the internet.

People love watching his videos because he has a special way of making jokes and being silly. His funny faces and cool costumes in his videos are like magic tricks that bring smiles to everyone’s faces. That’s why so many people follow him and watch his videos every day.

Yabdiel Cotto nationality and religion

Yabdiel Cotto was born in the United States, which makes him American. Like many people in the U.S., he comes from a place where lots of different people live together, each with their own stories. About his religion, Yabdiel keeps his beliefs private. In the U.S., people believe in many different things, and that’s okay.

It’s like having a favorite ice cream flavor; everyone can choose their own. Yabdiel respects everyone’s beliefs and wants to make all kinds of people smile, no matter what they believe. That’s part of what makes him special.

Yabdiel Cotto Impact and Legacy

Yabdiel Cotto is like a superhero who uses laughter instead of superpowers. He shows everyone that being funny and kind can change the world in good ways. Because of Yabdiel, more people want to spread joy and laughter.

He’s like a teacher, but instead of teaching math or science, he teaches us how to be happy and make others happy too. His funny videos are like seeds that grow into big smiles on everyone’s faces. Yabdiel’s story tells us that no matter who you are, you can make the world a better place by sharing your joy.

Mentorship and Influence on Others

Yabdiel Cotto is like a big brother to lots of people who want to be funny and happy. He shows them how to share laughs and smiles, just like he does. When others see Yabdiel being so good at making people happy, they think, “I can do that too!” He helps them believe in themselves.

It’s like when you learn to ride a bike and you help your friend learn too. Yabdiel’s kind heart and fun videos teach everyone that being kind and funny is a super cool way to help and inspire friends and even people we don’t know yet.

Future Plans and Aspirations

Yabdiel Cotto has big dreams for the future! He wants to keep making people laugh and maybe even be in movies or on TV shows where he can share his joy with even more friends around the world. Yabdiel also dreams of helping kids learn to be happy and confident, just like him.

He thinks about making a big place where kids can come to laugh, play, and learn fun things together. Yabdiel believes in following dreams and working hard, and he can’t wait to see where his adventures take him next. He hopes to spread smiles everywhere he goes!


  • Making funny videos: Yabdiel loves to create and share hilarious content, always looking for new ideas to entertain his followers.
  • Playing video games: In his free time, Yabdiel enjoys relaxing and playing video games, immersing himself in different worlds.
  • Fitness and working out: To keep up with his physical appeal, he spends time in the gym, focusing on staying fit and healthy.
  • Reading: Yabdiel finds joy in reading, whether it’s scripts for potential skits or books that help him unwind.
  • Traveling: Exploring new places and cultures is a passion of his, providing inspiration for his work and personal growth.

Intetesting facts about Yabdiel Cotto

  • Yabdiel has a unique talent for voice impersonations, mimicking various characters and celebrities with uncanny accuracy.
  • He’s a self-taught musician and can play multiple instruments, including the guitar and piano.
  • Yabdiel is an avid animal lover and has a pet dog named Rocket, often featured in his social media posts.
  • Despite his outgoing on-screen persona, Yabdiel considers himself an introvert at heart.
  • He has a special tradition of creating a new, personalized handshake with each of his close friends and collaborators.
  • Before fame, Yabdiel used to perform street magic as a hobby, impressing passersby with card tricks.
  • He’s a huge fan of animated movies and credits them as one of his biggest inspirations for becoming an entertainer.


What does Yabdiel like to do for fun?

He loves making funny videos, playing video games, working out, reading books, and traveling to new places.

How tall is Yabdiel?

He’s taller than most people, at 5 feet 9 inches.

Does Yabdiel have any pets?

Yes, he has a pet dog named Rocket who is very cute.

Can Yabdiel play any musical instruments?

Yes, he can play the guitar and piano all by himself.

Is Yabdiel Cotto his real name?

Yes, that’s the name his mom and dad gave him when he was born.


In the end, Yabdiel Cotto is like a happy light, shining bright and making everyone around him smile. From making funny videos to dreaming about being in movies, he’s always thinking of new ways to share joy. Yabdiel teaches us that it’s cool to be kind, to laugh, and to make others laugh too.

He’s like a superhero of happiness, proving that with a big heart and lots of hard work, anyone can make their dreams come true. Remember, like Yabdiel, you can spread joy and make the world a happier place, one smile at a time.


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